Contributions from the Community

Reacting to the situation, making adjustments, looking for other (digital) spaces and formats – the independent performing arts community and therefore the Berlin Performing Arts Festival continue what they have long been experts in.

With nearly 100 artistic works from performance, dance, music theater, figure and object theater, contemporary circus, children's and youth theater and much more, the program this year once again showcases the diversity of the independent performing arts community.

The heart of the festival is formed by Contributions from the Community, where a vital and solidary independent performing arts community presents itself as it discovers, tests out and conquers new artistic spaces. The spatial separation from the audience and the continuously streaming digital contact provoke other spaces for negotiation. Seldom has the collective body yearned so much for contact and touch. This yearning is reflected in the variability, vibrancy and fragility of a schedule of programming that asks: what does the space we live in look like?