Spoken Word Theater


Amina Gusner

In a multifaceted work consisting of mini dramas, monologues and dialogues, four female actors tell of typical situations in the lives of women and girls. The imagery projected onto gauze conveys mythical traditions and experienced truths: the virgin bride in a spotless wedding gown, the sound of naked feet, bloody sheets in the wind, a pain in the stomach and the melancholy cyclical dreams in the lives of women. Based on numerous interview transcripts, ERDBEERWOCHEN deals with the still-taboo topic of female menstruation.

Playing times
Th 27.05 20:00 - 21:10 Fr 28.05 20:00 - 21:10

60-70 Minuten

E-Mail: theateruntermdach [at] gmail.com
Further notes: Free admission, but registration by mail is required.
Digital Event
What: Film
After registration by mail, a password will be sent on May 27 and 28 (from 19:00). The link is then only active between 19 - 23:00.


Director/Lyrics: Amina Gusner
Equipment: Inken Gusner
Play: Nina Kronjäger, Inga Wolff, NN


Un cooperation with Theater unterm Dach, sponsored by HKF.

Theater unterm Dach

Danziger Straße 101, 10405 Berlin