Partners & Supporters

The Berlin Performing Arts Festival is organized by LAFT – Landesverband freie darstellende Künste Berlin e. V. and funded by the Senate Department for Culture and Europe. 


The Newcomer’s Platform Introducing... takes place cooperation with the performance venues Ballhaus Ost, HAU Hebbel am Ufer, Sophiensæle and Theaterdiscounter.

PAF Campus

PAF Campus takes place in cooperation with Bard College Berlin, the Free University of Berlin, the Inter-University Centre for Dance Berlin, the Technical University of Berlin and the Berlin University of the Arts and is funded by the #TakePart program of Fonds Darstellende Künste using funds provided by the German Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media.


FESTIVALFRIENDS is a joint initiative of the association of regional festivals of the independent performing arts, consisting of the Performing Arts Festival (Berlin), 6 tage frei (Stuttgart, Baden-Württemberg), Hauptsache Frei (Hamburg), RODEO (München), FAVORITEN (Dortmund, Nordrhein-Westfalen) und IMPLANTIEREN (Frankfurt am Main, Rhein-Main-Region), and is realized through the program "Verbindungen fördern" of the "Bundesverband Freie Darstellende Künste" using funds provided by the German Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media.

Media Partners

The Berlin Performing Arts Festival is presented by: