digitale und/oder hybride Formate In Public Space
Dong Xuan Center

Silent Moves

A sound archipelago created from stories of Vietnamese migration
Matthias Schönijahn

Nowhere else in Germany are there so many stories and experiences of Vietnamese migration that are connected with specific places than in Berlin-Lichtenberg. Silent Moves uses field recordings, interviews, files from the Ministry for State Security and music to create an acoustic archipelago that moves through sites of Vietnamese life from the time of East Germany through to the present day. Listeners are invited to move between the acoustic islands of Lichtenberg, following the audio trails and stories of Vietnamese migration from the 1980s through to today.

All soundfiles of "Silent Moves" are available on demand. All information can be found here.

Playing times
We 26.05 on demand - Th 27.05 on demand - Fr 28.05 on demand - Sa 29.05 on demand -
Digital Event
What: Soundfiles
The audio walk is available as several mp3 files and can be walked individually. Smartphone with sufficient battery, internet connection and headphones are required. A "How To" as well as the sound files are available under the link above.
Event notes

Available languages: English, German, Vietnamese


Concept and realization: Matthias Schönijahn
Collaboration: Thy Le
Scientific advice: Dr. Anett Laue
Conception and realization English translation: Ana Berkenhoff
Conception and realization Vietnamese translation: Le Manh Hung
Graphic design: Claudia Eckstein

Quang Vinh Dao, Tamara Hentschel, Le Manh Hung, Anetta Kahane, Mai Thi Thanh Nga, Huong Vu Thi Nguyet, Thuy Nonnemann, Prof. Dr. Birgitt Röttger-Rössler, Richard Schaeffer, Dr. Gabriel Scheidecker, Dr. med. Thi Minh Tam Ta,
Quynh Nguyen Thi, Nguyen The Tuyen, Dr. Sascha Wölck


Projektfonds für Erinnerungskultur und Zeitgeschichte des Berliner Senats
Museum Lichtenberg
Reistrommel e.V.

Association of Vietnamese Berlin-Brandenburg




Matthias Schönijahn, born 1981 in Havelberg, Sachsen-Anhalt, studied German studies, sociology and media studies in Potsdam and applied theater studies in Gießen.

He has presented works with the directorial team K.A.U.&Wdowik at the Staatstheater Darmstadt, the Stadttheater Gießen, the European Center of the Arts Dresden Hellerau, the Nowy Teatr Warsaw, the Spielart Festival Munich, SOPHIENSÆLE Berlin, the Theaterdiscounter Berlin, the Mousonturm Frankfurt am Main, among others. In the context of museums, his works have been presented at the Senckenberg Museum Frankfurt am Main, the atelierfrankfurt e.V. and the Naturhistorisches Museum Bern.

For the development and realization of his works he uses formats and techniques of the performing arts as well as sound and conceptual art. The participation of public actors and the respective location of the performance (site-specific) are always important elements of his works. With the help of their participation, he and his team develop situations based on the fundamental experience of contingency: everything is always possible in a different way. On this basis, walk-in spaces are created that combine documentary, music and performance.

Im öffentlichen Raum: Museum Lichtenberg

Türrschmidtstr. 24, 10317 Berlin