Events & Talks

With talks, workshops and other events in the digital space, the Performing Arts Festival Berlin is once again offering inspiring gatherings together with experts and artists.

This year's thematic focus IN THE ROOM deals with the current dimension of spaces of encounter, experimentation and possibility in theater and culture. In various discussion and workshop formats, we will embark on a search for spaces that can be newly opened or expanded for the common, in order to remain active as a society. New this year is a collaboration with the Theatertreffen under the title "What are we waiting for?" on the present and future of the theater business.

To kick off and close a special festival week, you can celebrate in the digital stream at the PAF Opening from the CHAMÄLEON Theater and at the PAF Closing with Pornceptual! In addition, the digital festival bar will offer the opportunity to exchange ideas and end the day together every evening.

For some of the events listed below, registration is requested. Further information can be found in the individual program descriptions and here.

The talks as well as the Opening and Closing will be streamed live on our website every day, no registration is needed for this.


Partys & Bar

Talk series IN THE ROOM

The spatial separation from the audience and the continuously streaming digital contact provoke other spaces for negotiation. Moments of public life last year hardly took place in the theater or in a club, but on the internet and on the streets. The creation and loss of spaces for encounters and safe spaces, the necessary shifting of art and theater into digital or public space, a great deal of effort and the need for constant flexibility influence our everyday work as well as the artistic focus.

Live from the Festivalstudio, the series IN THE ROOM opens up a space for discussion each day for current questions surrounding the themes of this year’s Berlin Performing Arts Festival. The talks are available as a livestream on our website without prior registration.

Talk series What are we waiting for?

For the first time, Theatertreffen and the Berlin Performing Arts Festival will host a joint series of talks under the title of "What are we waiting for?. Four online debates featuring artists, politicians and culture professionals will focus on the conditions of artistic work since the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic and try to develop possible future prospects for the theatre. Who is visible during the crisis, who has a voice, who is being taken into consideration – and who has been forgotten and overlooked in the interim aid and funding programs? What lies ahead for the cultural sector, what does the future of the performing arts look like and what could some productive demands for cultural policy be?

The first two talks in the series will take place on May 17 and 21, 2021 as part of Theatertreffen. The following two talks will take place on May 27 and 28 as part of the Berlin Performing Arts Festival and can be viewed as a livestream on our website without prior registration.