Suitable for english audience Dance

remorymy | discontinuous landscapes

i | n | t | o dancecompany (Jana Vos & Leonie Naomi Baur)

remorymy | discontinuous landscapes is one of the results of an ongoing research process on remembrance as a performative act between reality and fiction, past and future, individual and collective. The multimedia dance performance is an approximation to the diversity of structures, functions and dynamics of remembrance, especially in times of radical disruption and destabilization of our visions for the future. The performance begins with a meditative audience warm-up and turns into an energetic, vulnerable and playful performance.

Playing times
Fr 28.05 16:30 - 17:10 Sa 29.05 16:30 - 17:10

40 minutes

Ticket price regular: 10,00 € (regular) / 15,00 € (support price)
Ticket price reduced: 6,00 € (student)
Digital Event
What: Video production
The link and password to the video can be found after the ticket purchase on the order confirmation page as well as on the e-mail confirmation under "Hinweise für Teilnehmer".
Event notes

There will be an Artist Talk after the screening on May 29.


Choreography & Performance: Leonie Naomi Baur & Jana Vos


Text & voices: Leonie Naomi Baur & Jana Vos
Projections: Leonie Naomi Baur & Jana Vos
Camera: Lorenzo Francesconi
Sound: Christian Pugatschow

With music by: 
Piet van Beurden
Aghia Sophia – Slow-fi Records – composed by Carmine & Sergio Cipolla

Rehearsal & event space and dramaturgical support: PAUL Studios Berlin 


i | n | t | o dancecompany

i | n | t | o dancecompany is a Berlin based experimental dancecompany founded in 2018 by Jana Vos and Leonie Naomi Baur. We work with the permeable transitions between dance and conceptual performance, as well as a wide range of other media such as text, video, music/sound. We co-create and co-perform both as two and in cooperation with other artists. We perform in diverse contexts such as festivals, galleries, theatres, unconventional spaces, outside spaces, etc.

Leonie Naomi Baur

Leonie Naomi Baur is a dancer and performance artist. She has trained in dance, choreography, dance pedagogy and dance therapy through many years of training as well as in various education formats and recently completed her master's degree in Performing Public Space at Fontys University in Tilburg, Netherlands. In her artistic practice, she focuses on the performativity of everyday social processes – language, cognition, mobility, social interaction. Their interest lies in the gaps and transitions that arise from these processes, which set these processes in motion.

Jana Vos

Jana Vos is a dancer, choreographer and dance teacher from Belgium. She was trained in various dance styles, including at the Stedelijk Conservatorium Mechelen. In Berlin, she completed further training courses in motion*s Tanzstudio and at the Universität der Künste and has been teaching several dance courses and performance workshops. Jana was and is involved in the development of a variety of choreographies and performances, including for Passerelle under Judith Clijsters.

PAUL Studios Berlin

Ziegrastr. 13, 12057, Berlin