Spoken Word Theater


wem gehört das Land –

Would you prefer to flee the city and the everyday for a wellness oasis near the Baltic Sea or would you rather forget your routine at the theater? How would you buy your way to paradise and what is more important: wellness or culture? During the recorded online performance FiLETSTÜCKE, the actors of the monsun.theater Hamburg and the Vaganten Bühne Berlin encounter each other digitally to shape the course of action into interactions. 

Playing times
We 26.05 20:00 - 21:30 Th 27.05 20:00 - 21:30

90 minutes

Ticket price regular: 5,00 € (regular), 10,00 € (supporters)
Ticket price reduced: 3,00 €
Phone: 49 (0) 30-313 12 07
E-Mail: info [at] vaganten.de
Further notes: When buying a ticket you can chose between two perspectives: The story from the point of view of the architect Lars Drewes (Berlin) or the story from the point of view of the theater manager Mrs. Kleinhaus (Hamburg). Both versions are available as a stream.
Digital Event
What: Video recording
The link will be sent after the ticket purchase.


Performers: Andreas Klopp & Felix Theissen (Berlin), Rilana Nitsch (Hamburg)

Concept, space and direction: Johanna Hasse (Berlin), Francoise Hüsges (Hamburg)
Text: Michael Alexander Müller
Costume design: Marie-Luise Otto
Dramaturgy: Fabienne Dür (Berlin), Francoise Hüsges (Hamburg)
Video, live visuals & live mapping: Mara Wild (Hamburg)
Live visual direction: Robert Kiehn (Hamburg), Johanna Hasse (Berlin)
Assistant director & evening performance director: Alexander Schatte (Berlin)
Technical direction: Philipp Selisky (Berlin), Ole Schmetzer (Hamburg)
Lighting: Malte Hurtig (Berlin) & Ole Schmetzer (Hamburg)
Sound: Philip Selisky (Berlin), Martin Hüsges (Hamburg)
Camera operator: Luisa Pehle (Berlin),Martin Hüsges (Hamburg)
Video technical equipment: Stella Schimmele (Berlin)
Video pre-production & trailer: Robert Kiehn & Mara Wild (Hamburg)
Music: Yijie Wang, Dong Zhou, Lara Hüsges & Jason Ponce (Hamburg)


Supported by Claussen-Simon-Stiftung Hamburg.
Supported by Ilse & Dr. Horst Rusch Stiftung.

Vaganten Bühne Berlin

Kantstraße 12a, 10623 Berlin