A bizarre old blue coat appears and it covers two human beings - a small society. In doing so, it offers protection but also constraints. Movement comes into the coat as both people begin to renegotiate its shape. Through tugging and pulling, new shapes arise from the old piece of cloth. Slowly they begin to interact with their environment. The walk act Cloak Work was created during the lockdown of 2020 and works physically to answer the question of how legal and social norms influence the way people deal with each other and with their environment.
30 minutes
When attending the event, contact details of all audience members must be collected so that they can be informed in the event of a reported infection. The data will be treated confidentially and deleted 2 weeks after the event. A daily negative test result, the ID or passport and a FFP2 mask must be brought to the performance. If the performance is cancelled due to corona, the full ticket price will be refunded.