
Heizhaus is a place for improbable encounters between people with different backgrounds coming from a variety of artistic, political and social contexts. Heizhaus is a chaotic playground for all of us. It is my community center, your dancehall, your meeting place, our studio, your forum for reflections and your performance venue.

It is accessible and open to everyone who want to work with the location and its ideas. The projects in Heizhaus are process-oriented. They concentrate on the question of what happens when connections are made through encountering each other. Or, to put it quite simply: what happens when we meet? At the same time, its connections to the outside are its lifeline: in Heizhaus, we want to work with practices that have already been established outside of Uferstudios. We want to perceive our own artistic practices anew in the light of their social and political embedding and give them the opportunity to further develop themselves. We want to experiment with the time conventions of artistic production. We want to support practices and work that include and address more than a single community.

When we speak of improbable encounters and untidy playgrounds, we are hoping for the radical permeability of a variety of artistic, political and social contexts. Welcome to the experiment and the intricate chaos that vitalizes it! Let’s spend our time differently. Let’s spend it together.

Social Media
Foto: Stefan Hölscher
Foto: Stefan Hölscher
Foto: Stefan Hölscher
Foto: Stefan Hölscher
Foto: Stefan Hölscher
Foto: Stefan Hölscher
Foto: Dieter Hertwig
Foto: Dieter Hertwig

Fr 28.05

Eintritt frei
Fr 28.05 18:00

Was bleibt

Suitable for english audience, Dance

Sa 29.05

Eintritt frei
Sa 29.05 18:00

Was bleibt

Suitable for english audience, Dance